觀 The higher observation


本實驗作品是作者前作”This Is Where I Draw The Line”和“Laser Cyanotype”將數位音樂創建實體圖譜的延伸:「這個光學實驗啟發於傳統氰版顯影,使用藍光雷射光束和受音樂驅動的光束運動、投影在預塗了感光劑的織品上,留下永久的圖像」。




Art Statement

Inspired by the oldest photographic printing process “cyanotype”:by exploiting laser with near UV spectrum which is projected onto fabric which pre-coated with photosensitive ink (cyanotype), to leave permanent print by selectively exposure process, a mixture of alternative photography process and projection optical technique. Due to there’s no requirement of negative film for the exposure, this technique can create relative larger size of work. This sound installation seems a distribute piece to the noise artist, futurist Luigi Rossulo and his invention Intonarumori from the 70’s; The digital fractal image is generated from code and has been transferred into audio frequencies pixel by pixel, this frequency is also taken as speed frequency of the laser dot spinning on the fabric as a vinyl disc is played, then the sound is therefore visualized as a cyanotype piece.


施惟捷,1982年生,媒體藝術工作者、材料研究者,早期作品多使用電子零件DIY、聲音為主要媒材,自2011起開始專注在智慧材料在織品上的應用如導電縫線和掃描矩陣在織物上的開發,他的穿戴式作品已持續在各國際電子織品和創客平台上受到關注和邀約如SXSW、E-textile Summer Camp、AdaFruit、CTM Festival。他亦大量運用雷射媒材在他的Audio Visual和氫版顯影作品中,他的雷射作品早期主要研究雷射投影圖形和數位聲波取樣的同步
合成關係及高速度視覺偵速和噪音的對位關係。2015年他開始另一件雷射研究「雷射染/Laser Dye」則是探索利用雷射感光放大傳統攝影沖洗底片過程,與其在大型空間中的運用、將光的物理特性作更深部的解構運用在視覺藝術上和成衣印花的數位製造上。他亦是Taiwan E-textile Sumemer Camp 2017的主辦人,該計畫邀請電子織品藝術工作者和台灣泰雅族部落合作,探索新媒體如何在民族社群中做為社會工具之意義,以及數位手工藝品的開發。


Shih Wei Chieh is a media artist, e-textile prototype designer and a self-taught material researcher, graduated from Media Communication Design of Taipei Shih Chien University in 2010, he now works as a full time artist and e-textile consultant bases in Taipei. His wearable works has been presented by many global events such as CTM Festival Berlin, SXSW, Adafruit, Youfab Tokyo, Modern Body Festival 2016, etc. He also use laser as material massively in his audiovisual and Cyanotype works, his early practice for laser audiovisual focus on the synthetic, synchronic relation between laser graphics and digital audio samples at sonic rate; another work of him “Laser Dye” explores the UV photosensitive processing and ancient photography rephrasing, digital fabrication for fashion clothing. He’s also the founder of Taiwan E-textile Summer Camp 2017, this new project invite e-textile artists to collaborate with Taiwan Atayal weavers communities, to explore the position for smart materials in traditional textile culture and the innovation of digital craftsmanship.

Work Created 2015

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