有生松子 Pinecone



Art Statement

Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang was born in 1982. He is a Taiwan-based media artist and designer works between Taipei and Hualian. He is now an assistant professor of arts & creative industries at National Dong Hwa University, where he directs the Biologically Inspired Objects (BIO) Lab, in the college of the arts. The BIO Lab conducts the research & design inspired from the organization of living system into programable object and kinetic geometry, undertakes projects exploring the intersection of computing aesthetics, interactive installation, and the future of design.

Scottie is the recipient of multiple grants and honors, including the second prize at Salone Satellite Award (2015); IF Design Award (2014); Red Dot Award (2013); and the National Museum of Fine Arts’ Tech-Art Interdisciplinary Creation Grant (2012). Scottie was appointed Art Gallery Chair by the 9st SIGGRAPH Asia (International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques) held in Macau in 2016. His project was selected for “Best of Design 2015” by Elle Decor Italia Magazine.

His work has been exhibited at international arts centers and conferences such as VISAP Art Exhibition (2017), KINETICA Museum (2017), ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art (2015-2016); SIGGRAPH (2009); SIGGRAPH Asia (2017, 2014 & 2011); ISEA (2014); Milan Design Week (2015-2017); Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2015); New York Hall of Science (2015); National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (2012); Taipei Art Fair International (2012); Digital Art Center Taipei (2010, 2012); Kuanda Museum of Fine Arts (2012); Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei (2008); Taipei Branch –  National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (2015); Holland Animation Film Festival (2013); Prague Quadrennial (2003); Festival Off d’Avignon (2013).


藝術家黃致傑,1982 年出生於台北,獲有國立交通大學建築碩士、國立台灣科技大學建築博士,曾參與法國里昂Grame國立音樂創作中心、美國安德森牧場藝術中心藝術駐村計劃,現為國立東華大學藝術創意產業學系助理教授,專注發展互動科技藝術、文創商品、影像運算設計、動態幾何系統、以及空間設計等領域。現為美國 ACM SIGGRAPH 數位藝術協會 DAC 會員,曾擔任 2016 年與 2014 年《亞洲電腦圖形及互動技術會議藝術展 (SIGGRAPH Asia Art Gallery)》主席,主辦國際科技藝術展覽活動。作品曾獲邀參展於國內外重要藝術節慶與學術會展,包含:美國 IEEE VISAP 國際資訊視覺化學術研討會藝術展、英國倫敦 KINETICA 動態藝術美術館、德國 ZKM 卡斯魯爾新媒體藝術中心、紐約科學館、米蘭傢俱設計展並獲新銳設計師衛星獎第二名、杜拜 ISEA 電子藝術展、德國 iF 設計獎、德國紅點設計獎、HAFF 荷蘭動畫影展,以及多次入選SIGGRAPH 國際電腦圖形及互動技術會議藝術展。作品刊登於美國 LEONARDO 藝術期刊、荷蘭 FRAME 設計雜誌 、義大利 Domus 以及 ELLE DECOR 等國際媒體。


Scottie Chih-Chieh Huang was born in 1982. He is a Taiwan-based media artist and designer works between Taipei and Hualian. He is now an assistant professor of arts & creative industries at National Dong Hwa University, where he directs the Biologically Inspired Objects (BIO) Lab, in the college of the arts. The BIO Lab conducts the research & design inspired from the organization of living system into programable object and kinetic geometry, undertakes projects exploring the intersection of computing aesthetics, interactive installation, and the future of design.

Scottie is the recipient of multiple grants and honors, including the second prize at Salone Satellite Award (2015); IF Design Award (2014); Red Dot Award (2013); and the National Museum of Fine Arts’ Tech-Art Interdisciplinary Creation Grant (2012). Scottie was appointed Art Gallery Chair by the 9st SIGGRAPH Asia (International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques) held in Macau in 2016. His project was selected for “Best of Design 2015” by Elle Decor Italia Magazine.

His work has been exhibited at international arts centers and conferences such as VISAP Art Exhibition (2017), KINETICA Museum (2017), ZKM Museum of Contemporary Art (2015-2016); SIGGRAPH (2009); SIGGRAPH Asia (2017, 2014 & 2011); ISEA (2014); Milan Design Week (2015-2017); Taipei Fine Arts Museum (2015); New York Hall of Science (2015); National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (2012); Taipei Art Fair International (2012); Digital Art Center Taipei (2010, 2012); Kuanda Museum of Fine Arts (2012); Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei (2008); Taipei Branch –  National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute (2015); Holland Animation Film Festival (2013); Prague Quadrennial (2003); Festival Off d’Avignon (2013).
Work Created 2012

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