Z Machine 是一場機械的演出,一個全機械的陶瓷3D印表機,不用電,不用電子晶片,全憑機械動能驅動與運算的機械發明。Z Machine列印的材質是陶漿,透過置換不同的齒輪和機械參數設定,可以列印出千變萬化的圖形,再經過燒製,土坯就成為瓷器。
Z Machine用19世紀的科技,反思現代的科技有如魔法的黑箱,並且要將作品的製作流程與數學邏輯脈絡以實體的方式呈獻給大眾,讓21世紀的人類看見機械運作的美,是現代科技所無法取代的;而今天逐漸式微的「實體」,也是無法被科技取代的「原味」。
Z Machine使用純粹的19世紀科技,用鋼鐵,用黃銅,用齒輪鍊條與彈簧,用風和蒸氣,用沾滿黑油的雙手打造。因此他不再是一個沒有生命的器物,他是與「工匠」有著緊密關係的生命體;不再是人類受限於器物,而是人類駕馭機械。
Art Statement
Z Machine is a fully mechanical, un-plugged, no computer chips required, the world’s first tilting Clay 3D Printer.This unique printer is powered entirely by the force of gravity with 25 kilograms of weight.The printer, driven by chains and gears, works as a geometry calculator that prints out an unlimited amount of geometric shapes.The printed clay can then be glazed and fired to become a piece of beautifully engineered art.
Mechanical machines were once the force that brought humanity forward.Back in the Age of Machines, when we first gain control of the coal, the gear, and the steel, mechanical machines were built roughly but look beautiful.However, these machines of the past cease to exist. They were either made safer, covered in shells, or being replaced with computer chips.These machines that once shook the ground may one day be forgotten.The Z in Z Machine implies the end of an era. It’s a way to commemorate the machines of the past, and to show the splendor of mechanical machines to this generation.