本作品以“參數式設計”(Parametric Design)與“客製化製作” (Customized Manufacturing)兩大主旨進行課程的規劃與實作產出。在電腦輔助設計(Computer Aided Design)的部分,讓參與學員能夠藉由參數式設計進行自己的創作。
學員親身操作與體驗CAD / CAM技術後,對於如何完成最後預訂的創作目標已有基本的概念,在為期一週內收集與製作26位學員各自設計的單元共一千多件,在課程最後由講師帶領學員將這些設計獨特且不重複的單元組裝串聯成一件巨型裝置,是一件完整度相當高的集體創作。
Art Statement
Parametric Vine is a 3D printing work which is constituted of over 1000 different shapes of units. This work was created within two weeks and it is one of the largest 3D printing-designed installation worldwide.
Fabraft Design Lab was invited by Digiark to host a work camp in National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (NTMFA), and the objective is to teach designers, students, and the public of “parametric design” and “customized manufacturing”. Participating members learned how to design their own works through CAD (Computer Aided Design) program, and the lecturers created the front-end framework for the students to modify the appearance of the drawing model without doing it in a manual way; therefore, this would establish a logistic system varying from the traditional handmade model.