Record one message to the person you love !


邀請觀眾站在本作的收音裝置前來說出對所愛的人的一段話,而這些留言將以 Processing 程式作即時音量與頻率的判斷來轉換成動態數據影像,且可立即轉換成3D列印的模型檔,將之列印出奇特的如唱盤般的白色形體及每個人的獨特記號刻痕,最後將這些列印品陳列於牆面上。觀眾可以手持行動裝置上 AR 介面,回播所列印的留言影音,也可找到屬於自己的那片 3D 列印,這些千變萬化的動態影音檔案與 3D 列印代表著每位觀眾獨特的留言與記憶。藉此作品討論數位時代每個人的留言將成為一個實體的紀念品,可儲存、列印且可回播。此作品可因著在不同的國家與地點的公開展覽,大量收集到每個人對所愛的人的一段留言,成為龐大的資料庫,甚至成為逐步增加的聲音紀念館。

Art Statement

Audiences were invited to speak a sentence of words to their beloved ones in front of the radio device, and these messages will be transformed into an image of motion data through processing program which can instantly detect and identify different levels of volume and frequency of the voice. The image was then transformed into a 3D Printing model file which held the irreplaceable marks of each person and was presented as a spectacular disc-like white shape image on the display wall.

The audience can replay their message video through the AR surface embedded in the mobile device. They can also find their own 3D printing work. These variant and diverse motion video and 3D printing represented the unique message and memory of each audience. Through this work exploring the topic of digital age, the message of each person was transformed into a physical remembrance which can be saved, printed and replayed. The work would be massively collected from people around the world and thus an audio memorial hall could be built in different countries.


藝術家王聖傑 Sheng-Chieh Wang,就讀於國立臺灣藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所,擅長於影片製作、3D動畫與特效合成,熱愛科技藝術並熱衷於創作,大學時期從廣播電視學系出生,輔系電影學系,擁有多件影視作品與動畫作品,曾獲第十一屆台北數位藝術獎首獎,與各項比賽入圍與得獎。

李家祥 Chia-Hsiang Lee,科技藝術工程師,目前主要專注於網路互動介面整合以及互動系統開發。對於數位內容創意加值、科技藝術創作、多媒體互動設計、無線網路應用、控制系統設計、創意學習設計等特別感興趣。 【創意的價值,始於實現之時;知識的價值,始於應用之時。】 專長 / 網路互動介面整合、互動系統開發


Sheng-Chieh Wang, studying master of New Media in National Taiwan University of Arts, specializing in film making, 3D animation, and synthesis of special effect, he loves technology and art creation. Coming from a bachelor degree background in Television and Film, he has produced several TV and animation works and won the first place of the 11th Taipei Digital Art Festival, and was also shortlisted of other competitions.

Chia-Hsiang Lee, technology and art engineer, devoting in the surface synergy of internet interaction, and also interactive system development. He is keen at adding value to the digital content, art creation with technology, multimedia interactive design, application of wireless internet, and control system design. [The value of creativity starts from realization; the value of knowledge starts from application.]

Area of specilisation: surface synergy of internet interaction and interactive system development

Work Created 2017

WordPress Video Lightbox